Joseph Brami

Professor Emeritus, French
Professor Emeritus, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Joseph Brami, Professor of French, received his Ph. D in French Literature from New York University. Before joining the University of Maryland, he taught at New York University, Barnard College and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has also taught various summer courses at Columbia University centers in New York and in Paris, and at the Institute of American Universities in Avignon. His general field of research is modern French literature, with a specialty in 19th and 20th-century French literature. His main teaching areas are the novel, poetry and essays from the 17th to the 20th centuries. His publications include Les Troubles de l'invention: Essai sur le doute poétique de José Bousquet (Summa, 1987); Théophile Gautier: Mademoiselle de Maupin (Editions Nathan,1993); co-prefaced and co-annotated edition of 2 volumes of Marguerite Yourcenar's correspondence 1) Lettres à ses amis et quelques autres (Gallimard, 1995), 2) Une volonté sans fléchissement (Gallimard, 2007). He is currently editing a third volume of these letters as well as a two-volume series of critical work on Proust: Lecteurs de Proust au XXeme siècle, to be published by Éditions Minard in 2008 and 2009.