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Ted Parker

Ted Parker

Lecturer, Classics

(301) 405-2013

Dr. Ted Parker is a Hellenist, specializing in Athenian law and Greek oratory. He received his B.A. in Classics from Emory University in 2014 and his PhD in Classics from the University of Toronto in 2021. His doctoral thesis—In the Margins of Justice: The Negotiation of Social Values in Athenian Forensic Oratory—was a study of the use of four value-terms in the Athenian courtroom: philanthrōpia (“generosity”), epieikeia (“fairness”), suggnōmē (“forgiveness”), and eusebeia (“piety”). His current research applies psychoanalytic theory to the much-studied sexual politics of Aeschines’ landmark speech Against Timarchus. He is also working to create a student commentary for the Greek text of the same speech. Beyond the field of Athenian oratory, his interests include epic, tragedy, and language pedagogy.