Alumni in the News: Brent Hernandez (MA '03) Wins Award
February 03, 2024

Brent Hernandez (MA '03) receives Terrapin innovation Award at UMD.
Brent Hernandez (Classics MA, 2003) has been named one of the first recipients of the new Terrapin Innovation Awards for leading the effort to complete the Holistic Graduate Admissions training for the College Park campus.
Brent is currently the Director of Graduate Student Services in the Graduate School here at UMCP. He is the chief administrator for recruitment, admissions, diversity and inclusion, and academic services for graduate students. Previously he served as Director of Student Services in the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation. He is working toward a Ph.D. in the Urban Education program of the department of Teaching, Learning, Policy, and Leadership in the School of Education.
Our warmest congratulations to Brent!