New Scholarships and Research Opportunities!
May 18, 2014
The Department of Classics is excited to announce new annual scholarship and research awards for students beginning in Fall 2014 as part of the new NIAF Pellegri Program on Roman Antiquity and Its Legacy in America. The Program is funded by a ge
The Department of Classics is excited to announce new annual scholarship and research awards for students beginning in Fall 2014 as part of the new NIAF Pellegri Program on Roman Antiquity and Its Legacy in America. The Program is funded by a generous grant from the National Italian American Foundation.
For Undergraduates:
Pellegri Undergraduate Latin Scholarships. Students with significant achievement in Latin in high school who come to the University and take two courses in Latin at the 201 level or above in their first year will be eligible to receive a scholarship in the amount of $2,000. Four scholarships are available each year.
Scholarships for Winter Term Study in Italy. The Department of Classics regularly offers a study-abroad course in Italy during the winter term through the Education Abroad office. Full and/or partial scholarships will be awarded annually on a combined need and merit basis with first priority given to majors in Classics and then to majors in related disciplines (e.g. History and Art History).
Scholarships for the Pellegri Traveling Seminar. Beginning in Spring 2015, the Department of Classics will offer the Pellegri Traveling Seminar, a new one-credit course in Italy during spring break. The course will be designed to complement an existing course being taught during the spring semester. Full and/or partial student scholarships will be offered on a merit basis, with priority given to students who are enrolled in the corresponding spring semester course. Students who enroll in the Pellegri Traveling Seminar will be expected to produce a research paper that draws on their experience abroad.
For Graduate Students:
Fellowships for Area Latin Teachers to Pursue MA Degrees. Up to two awards of $5,000 will be offered each year to current pre-collegiate Latin teachers who matriculate into our MA program on a part-time basis.
Conference Travel Grants. To encourage our graduate students to develop their research for presentation to a larger audience, we will offer up to five awards per year to support the costs of travel to academic conferences in the United States.
These new scholarships complement several existing scholarships offered by the Department:
Gerber Fund Scholarships, of variable amounts, are open to those students pursuing a BA degree in Classics who intend to teach Latin. Funds may not be used to support study abroad.
Odyssey Scholarships, of variable amounts, are open to any student pursuing a BA degree in Classics. The scholarships may be used to support study abroad or regular tuition.
The Steyer Scholarship is a scholarship of $1000 open to any undergraduate student pursuing a BA degree in Classics.
Decisions on these three scholarships will be based not solely on academic achievement but also on what role applicants believe that Classics will play in their future, as well as on individual financial need. Previous recipients are eligible.