Prof. Polyvia Parara Spoke at Conference in Athens, Greece
August 08, 2022

Prof. Parara delivered a paper on democracy at the University of Athens
Dr. Polyvia Parara delivered her paper on “The Modernity of Athenian Democracy: An answer to the Crisis of Politics in the Era of Globalization” at the Fifteenth Global Studies Conference. The conference was held at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, on July 21-23, 2022. The paper discusses to which extent democracy, citizenship, and freedom, as they appear in Athenian democracy, are relevant for modernity. The paper proposes an alternative study of the historical process by using the parameter of political freedom as a variant to evaluate the evolution of societies, and explores answers to the crisis of politics in the globalized world. Via an interdisciplinary approach from political science to history, sociology, anthropology, and philosophy, Greek democracy asks to be revisited as a project for progress.