Recent Events: 8th Modern Greek Studies Conference
May 10, 2024

The 8th Modern Greek Studies conference took place this Saturday, April 20.
The UMD Department of Classics held its 8th Modern Greek Studies annual conference for undergraduate students on Saturday, April 20, 2024. Dr. Polyvia Parara, director of the Modern Greek Studies program, and her students presented papers on the ideals of Hellenism in modern Greek poetry. The presenters received warm congratulations and laudatory comments from the large audience who attended the event. The folk music ensemble of Spyros Koliavasilis and the vocalist Mrs. Maria Paschalides performed related musical interludes during the conference. The event was concluded with a dinner reception
The schedule of the conference was as follows:
- Prof. Eric Adler, Chair of the Department of Classics, "Introduction to the conference"
- Dr. Polyvia Parara, "Examining the Uniqueness and Ideals of Hellenism"
Musical interlude: National Anthem, Dionysios Solomos
- Stavros Dimitrakopoulos, "Dionysios Solomos: 'The Hymn of Freedom' and its ideals" (in English)
- Sofia Bennett, "Freedom in Solomos’s 'Free Besieged'" (in Greek)
Musical interlude: Άκρα του Τάφου Σιωπή, Γιάννης Μαρκόπουλος
- Sarah Rosenthal, "Kostis Palamas’ 'Olympic Hymn' and the Revival of the Olympic Games" (in English)
Musical interlude: Σ'Αγαπώ, Μιχάλης Τερζής
- Thomas Vlachos, "Reviving the Delphic Idea: Prometheus Bound and philanthropia" (in English)
- Sofia Tasikas, "Angelos Sikelianos’ 'Πνευματικό Εμβατήριο', and the Ideal of Collectivity" (in English)
Musical interlude: Πνευματικό Εμβατήριο, Μίκης Θεοδωράκης
- Chris Swartz, "Cavafy’s Greek World 'In 200 B.C'" (in English)
- Lillian Doherty, "Friendship in Giorgos Seferis’ ]Stratis Thalassinos among the Agapanthi" (in Greek)
Musical interlude: Στο Περιγιάλι το Κρυφό ( Άρνηση), Μίκης Θεοδωράκης
- Georgia Boussis, "The Agonistic Ethos in Giannis Ritsos's 'Romiosyne'" (in Greek)
- Katerina Boutselis, "The Cost of Freedom: Analysis of Giannis Ritsos’s 'Insubordinate Politeia'" (in English)
Musical interlude: Την Ρωμιοσύνη μην την κλαις, Μίκης Θεοδωράκης
- Maria Kozar, "Odysseas Elytis: The Sun of Justice in 'Axion Esti'" (in Greek)
Musical interlude: Άξιον Εστί, Μίκης Θεοδωράκης
- George Carey, "The Life’s Journey in Three Cavafy Poems" (in Greek)